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計算機專業的英語自我介紹7篇 "Mastering the Language of Tech: A Stellar Introduction to Computer Science in E

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Hello everyone, as a professional in the field of computer science, I am excited to share with you my personal introduction in English. With a solid educational background and years of practical experience, I am confident in my abilities to contribute effectively to any organization in the tech industry. Let's dive in and explore the fascinating world of computer science together!


























在專業知識上,我除了精通visual basic、sql server、asp,熟練使用linux、windows 9x/me/nt/20xx/xp等作業系統,熟練使用office、wps辦公自動化軟體。還自學html 、frontpage 、dreamweaver 、fireworks 、flash等網頁製作相關軟體。對於常用軟體都能熟練使用。運用自如。














i come from , you may not have been, is a very small city, in recent years has just developed hot spring industry, i think in the future there will be more people know about this small city.

i to the city's first achievement was admitted to the university of , studied computer science professional. however, in college, computer professional self introduction and comment. i didn't like high school is always among the best, so far, comprehensive credit my ranking is around 40%. in the course, i c programming ability is relatively strong, a year ago began to learn in the class java, was the first to learn java.

i participated in a project led by our teacher, called lan chat rooms, prepare timely communication system responsible for the development of them. in our class, the teacher only picked me a girl to participate in this project, the efficiency is mainly i wrote the program is relatively high, the attitude is also very serious.

in addition to the study and practice of the project, i will work for two years in the first year, students do second years, was promoted to secretary general. we consider the problem of my evaluation is very comprehensive, reassuring.

in my job list, ibm is the preferred unit i, and many reasons have you interviewed the students are the same, because of the big brand trust. after all, the big brand company means a lot of things we need, such as training and salary, such as energy and outstanding people work together and so on.

technical support engineer was the preferred position for me, because i have a technical background, but also as a female and the natural advantage of customer communication. also, i don't have to worry about travel frequently, because of my physical quality is very good, i have to run for more than two years. in the ibm professional and technical aspects, i believe the company's training system and my own ability to learn quickly! i hope to have the opportunity to join the ibm team.


我叫,廣東廣州人,碩士研究生,將於20xx年6月畢業於南開大學,專業方向是 電路與系統,20xx年加入中國共產黨,我的專業特長是計算機應用程式開發和網路通訊。 我想從以下三個方面介紹自己。

學習方面,我的學習成績優秀,本科gpa:86.7,研究生gpa:93.3,兩次獲得 校一等獎學金,並被免試保送到南開大學資訊學院,我有較強的科研能力,目前正在參與一個國家自然科學基金專案:行波式微流泵的模擬與電路設計,擔任專案組組長,負 責專案規劃,任務分配和進度檢查,目前正處於軟體模擬階段,通過模擬選擇製作微流泵的最佳方案引數,設計新式的無閥壓電行波式微流泵,為生化反應提供可控的微量樣液。

另外還我還作為專案組成員,在20xx年參與國家大學生創新性實驗計劃:行動式無線體域網,主要負責手持終端pda客戶端程式開發,在20xx年參加國家自然科學基金專案: spr多通道生物感測器,主要負責測控電路的c語言程式設計。

實踐方面,在研究生階段,我曾有兩次實習經歷。一次是20xx年暑假,在中南空 管局通訊網路有限公司網路工程部,我協助工程師維護空管局的華為6503和思科3550主 幹網,做好主幹網的網路監控和資料備份,定期提交網路安全報告,確保網路通暢和信 息安全,並給空管局使用者提供網路技術支援服務。另一次是20xx年暑假,在廣州共享網訊 科技有限公司運營部,我協助部門經理進行網站的推廣,運營和客服工作,並從事網站美化設計的輔助工作。

學生工作方面,在以學習為主的同時,我也積極參加學校課餘實踐活動。曾擔任過資訊學院研究生會主席,資訊學院團委副書記,學生職業發展協會實踐部部長,多隆電子協會財務部長等職務,曾多次獲得優秀學生幹部和三好學生榮譽稱號, 組織了包括:資訊學院資訊會客廳講座、新生杯足球賽,籃球爭霸賽,乒乓球友誼賽, 迎新晚會,聯誼舞會,南開大學第一屆模擬招聘大賽等大中型活動;還曾作為資訊 學院羽毛球隊的選手,協助院羽毛球隊獲得南開大學校長杯羽毛球團體賽亞軍。這些活 動培養了我的領導組織協調能力,和團隊協作的意識。我相信,這對我以後的工作也會 有很大的幫助。

最後,我想總結一下我的工作特點。第一是團隊協作意識強,善於與人交流和溝通;第二是動手能力和學習能力突出;第三是做事穩健,態度認真,有一定的組織協調 能力;第四是考慮問題全面、仔細,做事有自己明確的想法和計劃。我想在走上工作崗 位之後,我可以以最快的速度適應工作環境,不斷挖掘自己的能力,完善自己,為企業 創造效益。我想加入xx公司是因為我喜歡我的專業,也很看好xx公司的未來發展,在這裡我可以學以致用,這讓我有很大的成就感和幸福感。同時我也很欣賞 xx公司的企業文化,很喜歡xx公司的工作環境。我願意成為企業一員,為企業的發展貢獻自己的一份力量。 我的職業生涯目標是,做一個既懂技術,又懂業務的複合型人才。


i am , i am a realistic, not exaggerated. love to participate in collective activities. team work and personal quality.

the solid foundation of software development, with a passion for programming, learning ability, can quickly grasp the new technology

during the period of school, won at 20xx - 20xx school year outstanding members, 20xx - 20xx school year c scholarship, 20xx september was the director of military training outstanding person. students will, in cooperation with other officers, mainly on the student dormitory dormitory culture, public health, home etc. supervision and management, evaluation of outstanding dormitory, regularly organize student activities (dormitory basketball, flea cultural market etc.)

during the internship work in financial business department, the department of rural credit cooperatives in the core business system involved in the business over a number of provincial, city commercial bank payment system and assistant service system. i have been in guangdong city of the four rural credit cooperatives to do software development. has participated in the guangdong province city of the four bank card system, card the transformation of comprehensive business system, telephone banking system, the development and implementation of self-service terminal system. i believe that your trust and my strength will bring the common success! i hope i can contribute to your own strength!

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