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isquo;m a boy/girl










男孩(師給他穿裙子):no,no, isquo;m a boy

女孩(師給槍他玩):no,no, isquo;m a girl


oys have short hair, wear trousers , like gun

girls usualy have long hair , wear skirt ,like doll


t: is he a girl?

s: no (回答原因)

t: is she a boy ?


練習發音:boy girl


①誰的反應快?boys stand up! girls stand up!


教師請幼兒上來找自己的圖標,並大聲説isquo;m a boy/girl


boys and girls stand in a line 下樓做遊戲。


課堂教學側重教學目標、教學內容、教學過程、教學方法與教學手段、教學情感的五優化 。

教學過程是一個系統,施教者必須對參與這個系統的各個要素進行優化的組合,以求得最 佳的教學效果。教學過程最優化有兩個標準:一是效果最優,即在現有條件下,教學設計及 實施效果達到實際可能達到的最高水平;二是時間耗費最優,即在課程計劃規定的時間內最 佳地完成教學任務,收到“少投入,多產出”的效益。

實驗過程中結合教材的特點,強調教師要從整體上把握好教材的教學要求、把握好每一單元 ,區別對待和處理每一個課型,要求教師設計好教學內容,設法將教材內容轉換成生動活潑 的語言交際情景,讓學生在真實的語言條件下,興致勃勃地參與真實的語言實踐,以保證教 學工作的完整性和系統性,從而努力做到課堂教學的最優化。

做好教學情感的最優控制,採取“賞識教育”,形成學生有效學習的策略目標。在實驗過程中,我們依照教材以及學與教要達成的目標,逐步 形成了系統的幫助學生有效學習的方法。

如:創設情景與激勵情意相結合;理解學生和培養學生相結合;統一要求和個別對待相 結合;教法研究與學法指導相結合。 教學過程中,要求教師設計好教學內容,設法將教材內容轉換成 生動活潑的語言交際情景,讓學生興致勃勃地參與語言實踐。 同時,我們還強調教師要重視教學過程中師生雙方情感上的交流與溝通,設法激勵學生 的情意因素,以營造和諧的學習氛圍,激發學生內在的積極因素、學習熱情和創造意識。


一節成功的活動課往往需要教師的周密思考,在課程設計中,教師要儘可能多地考慮師生的 共同參與性與互動性,操練過程中的趣味性和交際性,充分體現學生學習的自主性和參與性。

學生活動的形式力求豐富多彩,定內容、定時間、定專題、定場地、定專人進行。試圖通 過開展英語朗誦 比賽、單詞比賽、詩歌劇表演賽、課本劇表演賽、手抄報比賽、演講比賽,在學校範圍內創設一種英語學習的氛圍,豐 富學生的語言生活, 培養學生學習語言的興趣,加強學習的自主性和目的性,從而實現學生學習方式的轉變。

正確認識考試評價的功能,讓學生學有長進,增添自信感和成功感。學習困難學生最害怕考試。為了幫助他們克服害怕考試的心理,提高其學習的積極性,教師 根據不同的教學目標和學生的實際程度,制定出不同的層次要求。 實驗過程中,根據學生的個體差異,對學生的學習評價實行“同分不等值”,多角度、 多方位、多層面、多形式進行分層評價,合作達標,促進每個學生在最適合自己的學習環 境中求得最佳發展。 主要嘗試了以下幾種方法:

(1) 實行無人監考制度,讓學生淡化“一考定終身”的觀念,形成自主學習。

嘗試無人監考時,仍需要拉開學生的座位間隔,講明無人監考的作用與目的,讓學生明確學 習的目的。起初學生頗感新鮮和高興,一部分學生認為是機會來了,另一部分學生則由平時 考試時的埋頭苦幹變得東張西望,不知所措。

(2)根據學生學習的個體差異,巧妙地處理部分學生的分數,讓學 生在學習中有自信心和成功感。

按照學生的學習程度與個體差異,考試製訂不同的層次要求。例如:單元測根據整 體的測試情況,可以分別按a b c定出不同的分數等級為達標,這樣,有助於層次教學的正 常進行,更重要的是能調動學生學習的積極性,減少兩極分化,培養學習的自信心。

(3) 實行考試分層,合作達標,讓各個層次的學生均能找到適合自己發展的空間。


Ⅰ卷為基礎達標題,人人需做 ;

Ⅱ卷為綜合測試,能力達標,鼓勵學生多做,中下生面較大的學校分數只做參考,不記入 總分;中等偏上學生要求一定要做,以便於挖潛能、培養尖子生、發展能力。


一、 教材分析




w 本課是高中一年級英語上冊 ,unit 2 english around the world 中的reading.

w 本單元的中心話題是“世界英語”,具體涉及“英語在當今世界範圍內人們生活中扮演的不同角色及其重要意義,以及英美語言的差異”。本課的語言知識及語言技能主要是圍繞“世界英語”這一中心話題進行設計的。

w 本課時主要分為兩部分:

1)pre-reading. (讀前準備)

“ 讀前準備”部分是reading的前奏,此部分設計了兩個問題,誘發學思考。通過對問題的討論和比較,讓學生明白學好英語的重要性。

2)ing (閲讀)














1. 語言目標


2. 情感目標

讓學生領會英美不同文化差異和風俗習慣, 領會語言豐富多彩性和發展變化的特徵,使學生在認識世界英語在人們生活中扮演的不同角色的同時,更加熱愛自己的祖國,從而培養他們的祖國意識。培養他們的跨國文化意識和世界意識。





1、導入:首先在學生對英語是世界上最廣泛使用的語言和越來越多的人在學習英語現有情況瞭解的基礎上,引出問題“do you know how many countries use english as their mother tongue?do you know something about english around the world?”在學生思索時,引出課題english around the world。接着再詢問學生:what language has the largest number of speakers in the world? what language is the most widely spoken and used in the world? how many countries do you know use english as their mother tongue?使學生對本節課的話題有進一步瞭解,而且很有興趣瞭解“世界英語”的具體情況。從另一個角度,先給學生一個語言上的input。激發學生的興趣和慾望.

2、pre-reading (讀前準備):在學生回答了以上問題後,我讓學生看這一部分課本上所設的兩個問題: 1) how many languages do you speak? which is your native language? 2) if you speak more than one language, in what situation do you use the languages?讓學生仔細思考後回答。教師不必忙着下結論,誘導他們從書中去思考尋找答案,激發他們探究的興趣。


任務 1:listen to the tape ,聽錄音,然後讓學生盡力得出大意並且回答問題

1. how many countries are there where the majority of people speak english?

2. how is english used in hong kong?

3. what language should we use on the internet so that we can communicate with people around the world ?




1、there are more than 42 countries where the majority of the people speak english in the world.()

2、there are more than 37,500,000 people who learn english as a second language.()

3、new zealand, south africa, the republic of ireland and the philippines use english as their mother tongue.()

4、more than 750,000,000 people learn english as a foreign language.()

5、english is the only one working language of most international organizational trade and tourism.( )



1、 according to the text, which is true about those who use

english as a second language?

a. english is also their mother tongue.

b. they use more than two official languages in their country.

c. people enjoy talking to their family members at home in their native language.

d. they learn english at high school for about five years.

2、 what’s the situation of english used in china?

a. most chinese students learn english at school as a foreign language.

b. all chinese students speak english as a foreign language.

c. the majority of chinese students speak english at school as a second language.

d. the majority of people in hong kong use english as their mother language.

3、 what’s the main idea of the passage?

a. there are more than 42 countries where th majority of the people speak english in the world.

b. more than 750 million people learn english as a foreign language.

c. english is the language of global culture such as popular music and the internet.

d. english is the language which is the most important and widely used in the world today.

4、 which is right according to the text?

a. native speakers of english might find it unnecessary for them to learn a foreign language.

b. english will be the only english to be used in the future.

c. english is the working language of most international organizations, international trade and tourism.

d. with the development of china’s economy, chinese will be more and more important than english.

5、 which is wrong to answer the following questions.

why is it becoming more and more important to have a good knowledge of english?

a. more and more people will become interested in english.

b. english is one of the working languages of most international organizations, international trade and tourism.

c. we can communicate with people around the world everywhere through the internet by using english.

d. english has developed into the language most widely spoken and used in the world.



任務5:分小組討論:1)why is it becoming more and more important to have a good knowledge of english? 2) in which countries do we find most native speakers of english? give the names of three counties. 3) living in china you can use english every day in different situations. give two examples.給學生五分鐘的時間分組討論,然後讓每組的代表給出答案(完成本課教學目標)。 教師在佈置任務後,應監控各小組的活動,適當的時候可以參與到學生的活動中去。在活動中,教師多用評價性語言:marvelous /excellent /fantastic /well done/great…



through learning this passage, we have got to know that english is becoming more and more popular all over the world now. so english learning seems important to everyone, especially us students of the new century. with china’s entry into wto, english will play a more important part in business, in tourism, and even in people’s daily life. so it’s no doubt that everyone should have a good knowledge of english. and i hope everyone in our class can make an effort to learn english well. but on the other hand, it doesn’t mean english is better than chinese. we must keep it in mind that one’s mother tongue is the most beautiful language in the world. the reason why we learn english is that we should thus be more capable of building up our country. (這是個很好的機會引導學生在領會學好英語的重要性的同時,更加熱愛自己的祖國,從而培養他們的祖國意識。it’s a good chance to lead the students to love our own country as well

as to learn english well.)



2、完成post-reading ex.2。




















teaching aims(活動目標):

1. to learn:milk

2. review:cake

3. 激發寶寶參與英語活動的興趣。

teaching aids(活動準備):

1. cake、milk的圖片

2. 一盒milk的實物模型

3. 音樂磁帶

teaching ste (活動過程):

1. warm up:


(2)daily talk:

t:what’s your name?

s:i’m ××.

t:how do you do!

s:how do you do!.

2. topic:

(1)t:look at me!教師出示milk的實物模型問:“what’s this?”




(2)game:run and touch



welcome to the unit

teaching aims and demands:

new words:ability , superdog , fly , careful , collect elderly

teaching methods: task-based approach

teaching task: 1 to revise vocabulary about helping people in the community

2 to generate ideas about ways to care for and help others

teaching aids: tape recorder

teaching procedures:

一. warm-up

talk to students about superman . guide students to understand the meanings of “can” and “can’t” .

二 main task

1 ask for suggestions of some typical ways students help you , the school , the community and others . write the words ‘ everyday hero’ on the board and then brainstorm situations in which students can be helpful .

2 ask students to look at the pictures on page73 . explain the context . check understanding of the words “ planting , clean up , elderly “ . then ask students to read descriptions a-f and de the task .

3 check answers with the class .

4 ask students to look at the pictures and statements and consider how often they engage in the activities . ask them to respond using the words “ regularly / sometimes / never “ .

5 do a class survey . then fill in the following form .

activities always usually often sometimes never

helping old men

planting trees

三 exercises :

練習一welcome to the unit


1 thank you for (bring) me presents and cards .

2 he is a (細心的)boy .

3 i saw a lot of smoke (come) from next door .

4 i poured some water over my jacket . that’s what i did for my (safe).

5 fire can be very (danger) .

6 it is important to be (care) with fire .

7 children should not play with (match) .


1 我們可以為希望工程捐款。

we can for .

2 她是一位細心的學生,課堂上她總能認真聽講。

she is a student . she always to the teachers .

3 少先隊員們為老人們一週兩次打掃房間。

the young pioneers the rooms for twice a week .

4 七年級一班的學生將去河邊植樹。

the students of class1grade 7 near the river .

5 李平經常幫助老人。

li ping often .

6 他經常在車上讓座。

he often someone on the bus .

7 他正在為希望工程籌集東西。

he is project hope .

8 你們這星期五去老年公寓嗎?

are you this friday ?

7b牛津英語unit5教案 reading a brave girl

reading a brave girl

teaching aims and demands:

new words: brave , fire , alone , smoke , hurt , pour , rush , save , blanket , burn , arm , danger , careless , by oneself , safety ,

teaching methods: task-based approach

teaching task: 1 to introduce and expand vocabulary to describe dangerous situations

2 to guess general meaning from picture , key words and context

3 to identify names of specific places and actions

4 to skim the text for overall meaning and scan for detail

teaching aids: tape recorder

teaching procedures:

一. warm-up

talk about danger and potential hazards at home . ask if any students have ever had an accident at home . talk about what to do in case of emergency .

二 main task


1 review vocabulary which is relevant for this context . “ smoke , rush , danger “ .

2 encourage students to draw on their own knowledge about such incidents . have they heard about similar incidents ? what happened ? ask :

1 who had the accident ?

2 who helped in the emergency ?

3 how did it end ?

3 listening the text and repeat after the tape , then tell the you the name of the hero in the text .

4 ask six students to read one paragraph each . then ask at least “yes /no” about the article to check understanding

1 did wang fang go out on 10th may ?

2 was there a fire in the kitchen ?

3 was there a lot of smoke ?

4 did wang fang run out of the building ?

5 did the fire burn wang fang ?

6 did she stay in hospital for two months ?

5 read the text carefully again then answer the following questions :

1 what happened on 10th may ?

2 who saved mr sun ?

3 why could mr sun not get out of the kitchen ?

4 how did wang fang put out the fire ?

5 why was wang fang in hospital ?

6 explain the useful expressions in the the text

① help her neighbour out of a fire / danger

eg yesterday jim helped a little girl out of danger .

② alone = by oneself

my parents were out just now. i am alone / by myself now .

peter can do his homework alone / by himself .

③ hear someone shouting

see / watch / find / hear sb do sth ( doing sth )

eg i often see them play football on the playground .

the teacher found them talking happily when she came into the classroom .

④ 79-year-old

eg. mr sun is a 79-year-old man . = mr sun is 79 years old .

⑤ be in hospital

my friend was ill yesterday , so she is in hospital now .

⑥ it’s important / good / + 形容詞 for sb to do sth .

eg. it’s good to give someone a seat on a bus .


1 ask the students to identify the words in the text first and then use the information in the sentence to help them guess the meanings .

2 according to the text , use the correct words in the box to complete the conversation between wang fang and the interviewer .

3 ask students to read the conversation in pairs . then invite two or three pairs to present it to the class .


1 read the text for this task and make sure that students understand it .

2 ask students to check the conversation individually for any words they do not so that they can work out the wrong information in the conversation easily .

3 ask them to underline the mistakes then replace the wrong words with the correct ones and read the conversation .

4 read the instructions to the class and ask students to find the correct picture on their own . check answers as a class .

5 ask them to think of any other safety advice .

eg . don’t play on the street .

cross the street at the zebra crossing .

三 exercise


1 that man (quick) ran away .

2 don’t (抽煙) here , please .

3 jack fell (跌倒) off the ladder and (hurt) himself .

4 we should (study) hard .

5 it’s important (learn) english well .

6 we went to visit uncle wang and (bring) some flowers to him .

7 the fire (burn) the house .

8 he can (swim) very well .

9 suddenly i heard someone (shout) to the next room .

10 the firemen rushed into the house (救) that little baby .


1 that old man was ill hospital .

2 it’s important to be careful fire .

3 mr li put the fire a blanket .

4 don’t pour water her jacket .

5 i heard a strange noise next door .

6 mr fang lives next to my room . he’s my good .

7 we often cook meals in the .

8 we should be when we cross the road .

9 how the girl is ! she saved an old man from the water .

10 that girl is to go out at night . so she often stays at home and watches tv .


mr sun is wang fang’s . he is years old . he

lives . one day , wang fang him “ fire , fire !” so she

out and mr sun’s house was on . mr sun his leg , he

can’t get out . what can she do ?

quickly , she back , water over her jacket , then into

the fire . she was . she helped mr sun out .

after this , wang fang often says :”fire can be very . it’s to

be with fire . “


1 玩火是危險的。

it’s fire .

2 她有一個8 歲的女兒。

she has daughter .

3 今晚我一個人在家。

i at home tonight .

4 在五月十日, 那男人從或裏救出一個小女孩。

, that man a girl a fire .

5 我們應該互相幫助。

we .

6 那場火燒燬了屋子裏的一切。

the fire in the house .

7 他迅速跑回公寓去取鑰匙。

he quickly his flat the key .


8 他正在寫一篇1500字的故事。

he is .

9 我哥哥今天不能來上學因為他的腿受傷了。

my brother because .

10 這隻老鼠用牙齒咬斷了繩子幫助獅子脱離了危險。

the mouse cut the rope and helped the lion .

11 孫太太住院多長時間了?

was mrs sun ?

12 我們應該互相學習, 互相幫助。

we should .

13 學好英語是非常有用的。

it’s to .

7b牛津英語unit5教案 vocabulary


teaching aims and demands:

new words:grateful , quick , slow , rude , recommend , award , super , sportswoman

teaching methods: task-based approach

teaching task: 1 to develop an understanding of the use of adjectives in different context

2 to use suitable adjectives to describe people’s behavior and character

teaching aids: tape recorder

teaching procedures:

1 make sure that students understand the concept of opposites , give some similar examples . eg . hot /cold , fast / slow , big / small

2 explain the concept of prefixes and suffixes students that when we add the prefix un- in front of some adjectives , it usually means ‘ not’. give some examples eg. friendly / unfriendly , healthy / unhealthy , lucky / unlucky , usual / unusual . when we add the suffix –ful to the end of some adjectives , it means ‘ full of ……’ i.e. the person or thing has that quality . when we add the suffix –less to the end of some adjectives , it means ‘ without’ or’ lacking’ .

3 ask students to look at the words in the left column of part a and do the task on their own .

4 have one student read out a word from the left column and another student give the opposite word from the right column. write the correct answers on the board .

5 explain the context of part b . you may want to remind students about prizes that can be won at your school and activate students’ knowledge about recommendation letters .

6 ask students to read two reports on their own first . ask them to try to make sense of what is being said in the reports .

7 then students read the first report again and use the mixed-up letters to help them make a suitable adjective .

8 follow the same procedure for the second report . ask students to read out the report one sentence at a time . write the missing words on the board .

9 ask students to write a report about one of the classmates using one of the reports in part b on page 77 as a model . encourage them to use as many adjectives as possible .

7b牛津英語unit5教案 grammar


teaching aims and demands:

teaching methods: task-based approach

teaching task: 1 to recognize and understand how to use “can” and “could” to express ability in the present and past .

2 to recognize and understand how to use “can” and “could” to talk about possibility in the present and past .

3 to recognize degrees of possibilities when u8sing “may and “might”

teaching aids: tape recorder

teaching procedures:

1 revise the key vocabulary about leisure activities and introduce “row a boat / ride a bike / fly a kite “ talk to students about summer camps in general and the type of activities offered /. elicit as much real information from students as possible .

2 students have already learned the use of “can” and “may” in making requests(book7a , unit2) therefore , you need to introduce the idea that here , the word “can” is used to express ability .

3 ask students to identify activities that they can do well . write students’ statements on the board . first write “ i can “ on the board .

4 ask students to say the things they can do , and sort them into categories : sports/ leisure/school subjects

5 go through the tables at the top of page 78 and explain the use of “can/could” and their negative forms . we use “can” to say that we are able to do something . we use “could” to say that we were able to do something in the past .

6 ask students to work out the rule on their own . then they check with a partner and confirm that their answer is correct with the whole class .

7 ask students to check the information table in part1 about the beijing sunshine secondary school students’ abilities . reinforce the use of “could/ could not” for the past and “can / can not” for the present . then they complete the sentences on their own .

8 check students’ understanding of the grammar tables on page79 . then explain the negative and question forms using “can /could” in part2 them to work out the correct information by referring back to the table on page78 .

9 students do part a2 first on their own and then check their completed sentences with a partner , then ask students to read the conversation in pairs .

10 check answers as a class, remind them to write the pattern into their grammar pattern books together with their own examples.

part b

1 tell students that they are now able to talk about their present and past abilities using “can/could” . introduce the idea that we also use “can/could” to express possibilities .

2 ask students to study the tables at the top of the page to clarify the use of “can/could” and their negative forms .

3 explain to students the concept of possibility . we use “can” to say that something is possible . we use “could” to something was possible . however, we are not talking about the chances that something will happen . provide examples using students’ own experience :

school finishes at 4 p.m. the bus leaves at 4:10p.m. we can take the bus home .

it will be warm tomorrow so we can wear short sleeves .

4 ask them to do partb1 in pairs , for less able students , allow them refer to the table on the top of page 80 .

5 check the answer as a class . pay special attention to any common mistakes and clarify them . choose five students to read aloud .

part c

1 introduce the idea that we also use “may” and “might” to express possibilities . students probably know how to use “may” for making polite requests but possibly will not know the meaning of “might” . tell them that “might” is the past tense form of “may” ver , we also use “might” to talk about possibility .

2 explain the context by talking to students about the class 1 grade 7 students’ summer camp and what the students may / may not or might / might not de there students through some examples using questions about everyday events at your school .

3 ask students to study the tables at the top of the page , and explain to them the difference between the uses of “may” and “might” .

4 have more able students provide other sentences to illustrate “may” and “might” urage them to think of their own examples to express degrees of possibilities .

5 explain the context of part c . ask students to read what each person is saying and underline the keywords in each speech bubble . i.e. ”maybe” , “only a small chance” , “ i’m sure” and “highly possible” . these words will determine the use of specific modal verbs .

6 then ask students to complete sentences 1-4 at the bottom of the page . check the answer as a class activity . clarify any possible problems .






3、能夠完成match and say練習並能正確在其中運用。

4、能理解story time中故事。









掌握以下形容詞的比較級構詞形式heavy—heavier, thin—thinner, big—bigger small—smaller , strong—stronger.









let’s learn








match and say

教師先示範和一名同學,鼓勵學生説出又創意的句子,如:mike’s fish is bigger than mine.

(2)story time

學生默讀後回答,“who is an excellent goalkeeper?” why?讓學生説出不理解的句子,一塊討論,掃清閲讀障礙。播放部分錄音,學生跟讀,分組練習,下節課表演。


unit 1 how tall are you?

heavy---heavier, thin---thinner, big---bigger small---smaller , strong---stronger.
